Parasites: Heartworms!

Heartworms are probably the most well-known of canine parasites among dog owners, maybe second only to tapeworms.  Cat owners should probably also be aware of them, as well, since heartworm infections are less common in cats but often more deadly. Adult heartworms can be up to a foot in length, though the male worms are [...]

Parasites: There are worms in my dog’s water dish!

If you see worms in your pet’s water dish, I have some good news: they are parasites, but they probably aren’t coming from your pet. Well, unless your pet is a tarantula or hissing cockroach, in which case it very possibly did come from your pet. Many years ago I got a call from a [...]

Rope Bones are a Dangerous Toy for Dogs

One of the most difficult types of cases we see in our day to day practice is the foreign body. Young dogs are particularly susceptible, but dogs of any age can ingest something they shouldn't and cause a potentially fatal health crisis. Over the many years we have been in practice, we have seen a [...]

A Peek Behind the Scenes: Anesthetics

Anesthetic protocols have changed a lot over the years. Twenty years ago, the standard of care in veterinary medicine for surgical sedation was ketamine and telazol, depending on the species. Over the last decade and a half, we have moved to a more advanced set of anesthetic protocols. For non-surgical levels of [...]

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